Muhammadiyah, IISD and UHAMKA Muhammadiyah University strongly wish to scheduling its 2nd International NGO Summit in combating addictive in 2016 as part of the International Civil Society Week (ICSW) by organizing a conference in Jakarta as part of International Civil Society Week in Bogota, Columbia supporting by other CSOs such as Yappika and GKIA (Gerakan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak). This conference will explore the role and involvement of civil society organization in partnership with the goverment
13 April 2016
Plenary Session 1
SDGs, New Development Concepts and Its New Challenge
Moderator : Dr. Bunyamin S.Pd.,
Plenary Session 2
Civil Society, Active Citizen and Accountable Actions
Key note speech: Buya Syafii Ma’arif (judulnya)
Plenary Session 3 : Strengthening Human Resource Development and Social Resilliance in District and Cities
• Siti Noordjannah Djohantini, PP Aisyiyah
• Nancy Caiola, COP EMAS
• Trihadi, World Vision International Regional Office Singapore
14 April 2016
Concurrent Session I
Ruang G
Maternal Child Health (Enabling Env. Inclusion, Participation, Peace)
This session will discus how societal organisation develop cooperations and networks in overcoming various challenges in working in this issues
• Siti Masyitah Rahma, SPM EMAS The involvement of civil society organization forum in improving the efficiency of EoMNC
• A. Rahman Mutaqien,
Civicus index as tool in identifying the involvement of CSOs in MCH
Kesehatan Remaja
• FMM Bulukumba,
Advokasi Kebijakan Peraturan dan anggaran Kesehatan Ibu , Bayi baru lahir,Monitoring Pelayanan
• Tatak Ujiyati, STC
Hasil temuan dan persepsi publik. Apakah JKN cukup melidungi kesehatan ibu dan anak?
Moderator :Dr. Esti Martiana
Tobacco and other Addictive Abuse (Enabling Env. Inclusion, Participation, Peace)
This session will discuss various dimensions on the issues of addictive abuse, and in what ways societal organisations can participate in the elimination efforts
• Drs. Budi, Direktur Rehabilitasi Sosial Korban NAPZA Kemensos
• Fauzi Ahmad Noor, S. Sos, MTCC UMY
• Baby Nasution, Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia
• DR. Hasto Wardoyo, Ketua Aliansi Walikota Perda KTR
• Abdillah Ahsan, LDFEUI
Moderator: Deni WK, SSI, Indonesia Institute For Social Development (IISD)
Toward A Safe Human Settlement (Enabling Env. Inclusion, Participation, Peace)
This session will discuss various dimensions on the issues of poverty and social resiliance, and in what ways societal organisations can participate in poverty elimination and strenthening social resilience. This session will also discuss how to make effective cooperation between societal organisations and public institutions
• Kemensos untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan.
• Maarif Institute, Indeks Kota Islami
• Hery Chariansyah, Direktur Raya Indonesia
• Tien Sapartinah, IISD
• Suyoto, Bupati Bojonegoro
moderator: Ifdhal Kasim
Plenary Session 4
Recomendation Citizen Hearing For ICSW 2016 and WHA 2016
Perwakilan dari binaan daerah FOBKIA SERANG - Teti Mulyati